Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve provided a list of frequently asked questions (and some infrequently).

If you have a question that you can’t find in this list please just get in touch. We would love to hear from you and we love to share alpaca knowledge and stories.

What are alpacas?

Alpacas are members of the camelid family. They look similar to small llamas or long-necked camels with no humps.  They have shaggy necks and camel-like faces with thick lips, pronounced noses, and long ears.

Alpaca’S comes in two breed-types; the huacaya (pronounced wah‑KI‑ah) and the Suri (SOO‑ree). The most common type is theHuacayas, they have fluffy, crimpy fleece that gives the animals a teddy bear-like appearance. Suris, on the other hand grow silky, lustrous fleece that drapes gracefully in beautiful pencil-locks

How big are alpacas?

Alpacas stand about one metre tall at the withers ( the highest part of the animal’s back).

Adult females weight between 45-65kg, some males can be slightly larger. Cria (the young) weigh between 6-8kg at birth.

What do alpaca's eat?

Alpacas are semi-ruminants and can happily survive on grass throughout the year. Hay should be provided now and again especially in the winter months.

They can also benefit from low protein supplementary feed which includes additional minerals and nutrients.

Can alpacas be kept on their own?

No. Alpacas are herd animals and should be kept in groups of three or more. They will often become stressed if they are kept alone even for short periods of time.

Alpacas can be run with other animals such as goats and sheep.

Do alpacas make good pets?

Alpacas make excellent pets. they are intelligent, easily trained and are usually very gentle with children. They are inquisitive, approaching people who stand and watch them. They will eat out of the hand if time is spent and training to lead by a halter is also straight forward.

Are alpacas easy to handle?

Alpacas are gentle animals and easy to handle. They can be halter trained very easily especially when they are younger.

When provoked, they can occasionally spit and usually only at each other. Some will kick when bring touched on their back legs but if handled when you, they can be desensitised in this area.

Alpacas only have lower teeth which meet on a hard upper pad. They don;t tend to bite but sometimes they will pull at clothing.

What colours can alpacas be?

There are 22 different recognised fleece colours ranging from white to browns and blacks. There are also a variety of greys and rose greys. They generally stay the colour they are at birth throughout life.